Friday, April 8, 2011

What To Do?

Things to do when all your kids are sick and your husband is out of town, and your company can't come since all of your kids are sick.   Read: Bored.  I have tested all of them and they work:)

  • weed
  • work on the retirement funds
  • clean out the crusty stuff in the microwave
  • wash the moldy shower curtains
  • redo the family budget
  • curriculum plan
  • bother friends on FB
  • transplant some yard plants
  • wash your fuzzy pink slippers
  • keep a medicine dosage and time chart for all 4 kids
What do you do when your normal homeschool routine is on hold and you are serendipitously given a few extra days? 

Tomorrow is the last day to use the discount code,  to purchase the fun bird DVD, Your Backyard,  from Crowe's Nest Media.  You can get the DVD for $12 by typing in "Tweet" at the checkout. 



  1. Looks like you covered most of what I might do :) Read, knit, read might be all that I really do, ha.

  2. Bug me on FB - :)


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