Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Drawing with Children, Nature-Style

Wew, we made it to Lesson 2!  Remember, this is a come and go Meme, so you can write your post or join in at any time and just let the readers know where you are in the game. 

This week we started off with the Matching Warm-up and I drew some little designs that used the 5 elements of shape and the kids copied them.  We talked about the different ways to start pictures, as listed on page 90.  I think the most *useful* piece of info that everyone loved learning was how to fix boo-boos (pg 85-89):
  • Overlapping
  • Adding on
  • Transforming
  • Covering up
  • Re-tracing
We have not had time to do any of the Nature goodies that Barb has added to this lesson, we have great plans to do that this week.  Has anyone said how much work it is to keep up with a MeMe?  Kudos to Barb who does the Outdoor Hour Challenge, weekly.  BTW, we would love to have you, the SPRING Study starts this week:)

Elizabeth the Lion in China, made by Gracie Girl, age 6

Leo by Joy-Bug, age 7

Aslan & Lucy in Narnia, by Kae-kae, age 13

If you have not bought your book so you can join in, click through here and I can earn a little extra for being an affiliate.  Start at the warm-up and use Mr. Linky when you write your post!


PS- If you are a nature kind of family, you may be interested in participating in Tweet and See, click here to read about it.  You keep a list of birds seen or heard for the month and then post them here at Kingdom Arrows the last day of the month!

1 comment:

  1. Just coming by to check on your DWC progress and look at those lions! I love that they are making their own complete drawings with backgrounds, making them personal.

    Great job by all!


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