Monday, November 8, 2010

Homeschool Blog Awards

Welcome to Kingdom Arrows! 

I wanted to let you know that  I have been changing over my blog from my own domain back to blogspot.  This means, many of my posts that I wrote this summer will be unable to be found.  So, you may have a hard time finding out WHY I was nominated for best Special Needs Blog.

If you click on the top of my blog under "Anxiety Disorder," (or click here),  you will be able to read many of the posts that I transferred over from this summer.

I am out to let people know when they hear "Special Needs," it does not just mean learning disabilities.  My 12 year old daughter has had severe anxiety disorder that caused her to dissociate for 12 hours a day for two months this summer.  Now, many of my posts on the blog deal with helping her move toward healing from a combo of meds, counseling and adapted schooling.  Previous posts, those written before this year, talk about her Auditory Processing Disorder, Vision therapy issues and Visualizing inabilities. 

So, if you are new here, stick around and leave a message.  If you have been here before, click on this icon and vote KINGDOM ARROWS for Best Speical Needs Blog.
Join Me at The Homeschool Post!

Thanks to all the people who nominated Kingdom Arrows.  This is the second year we have been nominated!

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