Friday, May 8, 2009

Visualizing and Verbalizing

We had a breakthrough in visualizing this week. Somewhere between hour 6 and 7 of our therapy, ME began to understand about having pictures in her mind, like imagining. Previously, when I would tell her to imagine a clown, I could count 10 full seconds before she could picture one. Often, she would be able to see the hat and nose, but not the face or body. She seemed able to remember small chunks, but not the whole picture. Before my eyes, she suddenly understood what it meant to see a movie or picture in her head about what I was saying. We will continue with the therapy, working from one sentences, to two sentences up to a paragraph. We did a few paragraphs today and she did well. Another weakness for her is prediction, summarizing and main ideas. This has been because she was not seeing the story as a whole, therefore she could only pick up little parts. Today we really focused on main ideas. Even though she understands what to do now, she still says it is very difficult for her to do it. We never spend more than 2 hours at therapy.

Thanks for all the prayers, this week has gone smoother than I expected. She is moving along more quickly than I thought. I do not think we will have to spend 120 hours at this, I am guessing it will be more like 30-50 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord. I am so happy you are getting to experience some break-through moments. I have you guys on my prayer list and will pray often.
    Thanks for your nice comment on Write Brothers. The journals were a lot of fun to do and not much work for me. I think they benefitted from them, too... not just in birding but in LA as well. Though I am still praying for the break-through moment with their handwriting! :)


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